...50,000 attendees from over 140 countries. • Black Box Network Services were there at the frontline exhibiting our latest AV, signage and KVM switching and extension technology. • Also on display was the • ServSwitch™ DKM FX – HD Video and peripher...
MediaCento IPX PoE • Media Cento IPX PoE • Media Cento IPX PoE provides a cost effective solution to extend and distribute HD video and audio over an existing Ethernet network. This video gives you a quick overview of the application areas: Un...
...access to a computer over distances from a few feet up to several miles, or even over the Internet. • A KVM extender unit consists of a transmitter device, sometimes called “local unit,” and a receiver device, also called “remote unit.” These dev...
...div.Cell:hover {border-bottom:1px solid #888;} • • Healthcare • Patient monitoring • Patient monitoring involves the measurement and monitoring of a patient’s vital parameters. Patient monitoring is particularly important while the ...
...ready for the KVMoIP revolution? • Brian Andrews of Black Box Network Services explains the network requirements of the modern KVMoIP solution, and offers advice on what to look for when specifying switches. • As the use of KVM technology has ...
...ready for the KVMoIP revolution? • Brian Andrews of Black Box Network Services explains the network requirements of the modern KVMoIP solution, and offers advice on what to look for when specifying switches. • As the use of KVM technology has ...
...mirror a source at multiple consoles and as KVM switch overIP. The ServSwitch Agility is therefore suitable for widely different application scenarios, such as medical personnel accessing high-resolution images, control consoles, media post-produc...