KVM IP gateways • KVM IP gateways • The concept • Just as a gate serves as an entry or exit point to a property, a gateway serves the same purpose in the networking world. It’s the device that acts as a network entrance or go-between for two o...
KVMoIP access technology • KVMoIP access technology • KVM overIP • KVMoIP access technology extends keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) signals from any computer or server over TCP/IP via a LAN, WAN, or Internet connection. Through this KVM over...
...Agility KVM-over-IP • Extend signals long distances • over the network • Digital KVM, HD video, and USB extension • Agility transmitters and receivers extend signals over CATx cable up to 100 metres (330 feet), and even farther with the ...
...for now! The following overview will look into some key differences to provide you with a better understanding of potential requirements to help you select the most suitable solutions. • Technical Details • Resolution (max.): • 4096x2400 respective...
...to fix them. • Digital HDMI and DVI formats provide sharp, crystal-clear image quality. However, problems can occur. Here are the five most common: • Problem 1: Black screen (no picture at all). • Possible causes: • Bad cable or cable that’s too lo...
...Video • Use MediaCento™ IPX for faster, more efficient HD video extension overIP. • • Put displays where you need them without compromising source video quality. • Greater reach for your HD video. • Split and extend HDMI video and audio from a si...
...your USB connections over LAN, CATx or fibre optic cabling. Find the combination of number of ports and distance available in the matrix below, to see which Black Box USB extender will fulfill your needs. • For more product details, hover your cu...